7. Cracovia Royal Half Marathon – ready, steady... start!

We are starting accepting online applications for the 7th Cracovia Royal Half Marathon, scheduled for October 17, 2021. There is a limit of runners - 5,000. Due to the dynamic situation, information on the time and formula of the start 7. Cracovia Royal Half Marathon will be announced at a later date.


The 7th Cracovia Royal Half Marathon will be held under the slogan #InTheLongRun. In this way we want to emphasize the relationship between us - the organizers and runners. Show that we are together after all, for good or bad, in the long run - still together. We have longer and strong, systematic relationships with our runners that allow us to be together and support each other.

We also want to show that, as organizers of sports life in the city, we act systematically #InTheLogRun and not only once. We organize cyclical events for runners, taking care of their physical condition.

The slogan #InTheLongRun is also to highlight the values ​​associated with the Cracovia Royal Half Marathon brand, such as durability, immutability and stability. It's meant to show connections and relationships - the way runners are connected to our brand. This slogan will appear on the shirts of the 7th Cracovia Royal Half Marathon.

Registration for the 7th Cracovia Royal Half Marathon

Online registration for the 7th Cracovia Royal Half Marathon is available HERE. Rules of the event is available HERE

Team registration

There is a possibility of team registration - provided for groups of at least ten people.  

ATTENTION! Due to the epidemiological situation in the country, which causes exceptional circumstances requiring the introduction of special measures and solutions, individual provisions in the regulations are/will depend on the currently applicable legal provisions and guidelines indicated at www.gov.pl.

Conditions of participation

There is a limit of runners - 5,000 reunners  (including 3,500 people with a packet with a T-shirt). The limit of participants may change - in the event of changes in the guidelines and legal regulations regarding the organization of events in connection with prevention, counteraction and combating COVID-19.

ATTENTION! Due to the dynamic situation, information on the time and formula of the start 7. Cracovia Royal Half Marathon will be announced at a later date.

The run may be attended by people who will be 18 years old on 17 October 2021 at the latest.

The race cannot be attended by people who on the day of the event:

  • have symptoms of infection, especially of the upper respiratory tract such as runny nose, cough;
  • have a body temperature above 37,5o C;
  • are in quarantine or isolation.


Length of the route: 21,097 km. The route will be certified by PZLA, World Athletics (formerly IAAF) and AIMS. The route must be completed within the statutory time limit - up to 3 hours. A detailed description of the route and the location of the finish line will be published on the website www.cracoviapolmaraton.pl at a later date.

The route will have all kilometers marked from 1 to 21.

Applications and entry fee
Applications for participation in the 7th Cracovia Royal Half Marathon will be accepted:

  • on the website of the race from July 1 to October 6, 2021 or until, in which the limit of starters will be exhausted. Applications can be made via the application form on the website of the race - www.cracoviapolmaraton.pl.
  •  at the Competition Office on 15-16 October 2021 until the limit of participants is reached.

By submitting the application for the race, the runners declares that he is aware of the risks that may arise in connection with the start and that his health condition allows him to participate in this race.

Verification of competitors, assigning starting numbers and collecting starting numbers and packages will take place at the Competition Office.

Entry fee:

70 PLN – until 31.08.21 package without a T-shirt

- 100 PLN – till 31.08.21 package with a T-shirt

- 100 PLN – 01.09.21-06.10.21 package without a T-shirt

- 130 PLN – 01.09.21-06.10.21 package with a T-shirt

- 200 PLN  – 15.10.21-16.10.21 at the Competition Office only in cash, package without a T-shirt, until the limit of participants is reached.

The payment of the starting fee will only be possible via the PayU payment system until October 6, 2021 immediately after registration of participation or in cash at the Competition Office at the rate applicable on the date of payment, if the starting limit is not exhausted.

The limit of starter packages with the ASICS technical t-shirt is 3500 pieces, the remaining 1500 cheaper starter packages will not include a T-shirt

Information on the location, time and course of the start will be published on the website www.cracoviapolmaraton.pl at a later date, as well as detailed information on the location, days and hours of the Competition Office.