1. The organizer of the 10th Cracovia Royal Half Marathon is the Municipality of Kraków - Sports Infrastructure Management Board of Kraków.
Contact details:
Municipality of Krakow
Plac Wszystkich Świętych 3-4
31-004 Kraków
NIP 6761013717

The Sports Infrastructure Management Board of Kraków
10 Walerego Sławka St., 30-633 Kraków
Tel. 12 616 63 00 
e-mail: zapisy@zis.krakow.pl

2. Contact with the Organizer is possible by phone, on working days from Monday to Friday from: 8:00-15:00 or via e-mail at: zapisy@zis.krakow.pl

1. The 10th Cracovia Royal Half Marathon (hereinafter referred to as the “Event”, “Competition” or “Run”) shall be held on October 20, 2024 (Sunday) in Krakow.
2. The start of the Run will take place at 10:00 a.m. from Stanisława Lem Street - in front of TAURON Arena Kraków. The starting gate will be closed approximately 35 minutes after the start. Starting the Run after 10:25 a.m. will not be possible.
3. The finish line will be located on the main board in TAURON Arena Krakow at 7 Stanisława Lema Street.
4. Competition Office:
a. will be located in TAURON Arena Krakow at Stanisława Lema 7 Street in Krakow. 
b. open on:
October 18, 2024 (Friday) from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
October 19, 2024 (Saturday) from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
October 20, 2024 (Sunday) from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
c. on the day of the Run, i.e. October 20, 2024, the Competition Office will only issue starter packages, so there will be no possibility to sign up and pay the entry fee on that day. 

1. The length of the route is 21.097 km. The route of the Run shall be certified.
2. The Run route shall be completed within the statutory time limit - up to 3 hours from crossing the start line.
3. Competitors shall line up in the starting zones (according to the time declared during registration) in the following order from the starting line:
- <1:20
- 1-20-1:24
- 1:25-1:29
- 1:30-1:34
- 1:35-1:39
- 1:40-1:44
- 1:45-1:49
- 1:50-1:54
- 1:55-1:59
- 2:00-2:09
- 2:10-2:19
- 2:20<  
4. The exact description of the Run route will be provided on the Run website www.cracoviapolmaraton.pl at a later date. The Organizer has the right to change the route of the Run, about which he/she will inform the competitors by posting the new route of the Run on the Run website www.cracoviapolmaraton.pl. The change of the route of the Run may not constitute grounds for claims against the Organizer to rise and file claims against the Organizer or to create additional obligations of the Organizer, which the competitors acknowledge and accept.
5. The route of the Run will have all kilometers marked from 1 to 21.
6. On the route will be located:
a. Nutrition points:
- will be located near the 5th and 13th kilometers of the Run route,
- tables will include: water, isotonic drink, fruits, sweets,
- the organizer does not accept private nutritional supplements of the competitors to the nutrition points.
b. Refreshment points:
- will be located near the 9th and 17th kilometer of the Run route,
- only water will be placed on the tables,
- the Organizer does not accept competitors' private nutrients for refreshment points.
c. Toilet booths
- will be located on the Run route behind each nutrition and refreshment point.
d. Medical points
- will be located on the Run route near nutrition points and at the start and finish line of the Run.

1. The Organizer sets the following limit: 11,000 participants. 
2. The list of competitors will be closed when 11,000 competitors have signed up. The Organizer reserves the right to change the aforementioned limit. The organizer does not maintain a reserve list enrollment.
3. The limit of competitors, the organization of the Competition Office, the course and organization of the start and the organization of the finish line, may be subject to change - in the event of changes in the guidelines and regulations for the organization of events, including in connection with the occurrence of an epidemiological situation requiring such a change, as well as if the necessity arises due to factual and legal conditions. 
4. The condition for participation is the registration of the athlete/competitor and payment of the entry fee immediately after registration. 
5. The organizer reserves the right to organize the start in rounds.
6. The run is open to persons who are 18 years of age at the latest on October 20, 2024. It is not possible for minors to start under any circumstances.
7. Time measurement and order determination will be carried out by electronic timing system. Each competitor during verification will receive a chip embedded in the starting number, the proper attachment of which is a condition for starting in the Run and classification in the final announcement of the competition.
8. The condition for a competitor to be classified is to run along the approved route of the Run and complete the Run within the statutory time of 3 hours.
9. Participants who do not cover the 10th kilometer of the Run route within 90 minutes after crossing the starting line shall be obliged to discontinue the Run and leave the route.
10. Participants remaining on the route after the time limit, do so at their own risk and responsibility, in accordance with traffic regulations and the Civil Code.
11. During the Run, participants shall comply with the instructions of persons responsible for safety, security services and persons acting on behalf of the Organizer, holding identifiers issued by the Organizer.
12. In the event of appearance of a privileged vehicle on the route, the Run participants are obliged to stop the Run and allow passage.
13. Competitors covering the distance of the Run in an unauthorized manner will be disqualified.
14. The following shall be considered forbidden:
a. Start and run without a starting number,
b. start and run of a competitor under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicants,
c. using any motor vehicles on the Run route, except for the Organizer's vehicles,
d. start and run with animals,
e. start and run with baby strollers, with children in slings/carriers,
f. start and run with Nordic walking sticks,
g. to cover part of the route by means of transportation, e.g. public transport,
h. shortening, changing the route,
i. start on wheelchairs for people with disabilities, 
j. starting and running without footwear,
k. moving on the route of the run on bicycles, scooters and electric scooters, roller skates and other vehicles. 
15. The organizer does not provide participants with accident insurance - NNW. Individual insurance in case of injury or any other unfortunate event that may happen to a competitor during the Run requires a separate policy purchased individually by the Run participant.
16. Transfer of one's starting number to another person will result in disqualification of both competitors. The result will not be credited to both the competitor whose details are on the starting list and the competitor who physically covered the route.
17. Competitors are required to comply with the regulations in effect on the day of the start:
a. generally applicable restrictions, orders and prohibitions;
b. sanitary recommendations indicated by sanitary services and the Organizer. 

1. Applications for participation in the 10th Cracovia Royal Half Marathon shall be accepted:
a. on the website of the Run until October 15, 2024 or until the day on which the starting limit is reached. Applications can be made through the application form posted on the Run website - www.cracoviapolmaraton.pl.
b. at the Competition Office on October 18-19, 2024, only if the limit of starters is not reached.
2. A valid application is considered to be a properly completed application form and payment of the entry fee. In the absence of payment immediately after registration, the application shall be considered invalid.
3. By registering for the Run, the competitor declares that he/she is aware of the risks that may arise in connection with the start and that his/her health condition allows him/her to participate in this Run and that he/she starts at his/her own risk, acknowledges that participation in the Run involves physical exertion and entails a natural risk of accident, bodily injury and physical trauma (including death), as well as damage and losses of a property nature. 
4. Verification of competitors, assigning of starting numbers and collection of numbers and starter packages will be held at the Competition Office.
5. Verification of participants, including with respect to entry fees paid and entitlements 
to discounts and receipt of the starter package are possible only at the Competition Office. 
6. The Organizer allows collection of the starter package by proxy.
a. in order to allow the starter package to be picked up by an authorized person, the competitor should provide in the registration form the data of the person he/she wants to authorize to pick up the package,
b. the competitor has the opportunity to enter proxy data until October 16, 2024 on his profile in the registration system. 
c. the proxy can only be persons who are at least 18 years of age on the day of collection of the starter package.
d. when collecting the starter package, the Proxy is required to present the QR code of the competitor for whom he/she is collecting the starter package and his/her photo ID,
e. in case the competitor for whom the package is collected is entitled to discounts, the proxy should present these documents when collecting the starter package.
f. the absence of proxy data in the registration form of the competitor for whom he/she is collecting the package prevents the collection of the starter package, even if the proxy shows the competitor's QR code.
7. The Organizer provides team registration. Details on team registration are available on the Organizer's website www.cracoviapolmaraton.pl. 
8. The Organizer provides the possibility to purchase a voucher - a gift for a competitor. Details on the purchase of the voucher are available on the Organizer's website www.cracoviapolmaraton.pl. 
9. Detailed instructions for starter package collection and verification are available on the Organizer's website www.cracoviapolmaraton.pl. 
10. Entry fee:
a. starting fee amount:
PLN 140.00 until 31.07.2024
PLN 160.00 from 01.08.2024 to 31.08.2024
PLN 180.00 from 01.09.2024 to 15.10.2024 or until the limit of starters is reached
PLN 200.00 on 18-19.10.2024 in the Competition Office, in case the limit of participants is not exhausted.
b. PayU system enables payment of entry fee in EURO by converting the entry fee according to the EURO exchange rate from the day of payment. Payment in EURO is not possible in the Competition Office.
c. payment of the participation fee is possible:
- on-line (direct redirection from the registration profile) through the PayU payment system - until 15.10.2024 or until the limit of entrants is reached.
- at the Competition Office by cash or credit card at the rate in effect on the day of payment, in case the limit of starters is not reached.
d. failure to make payment at the time of registration will result in removal from the starting list.
e. payments made in a different way than specified in the Regulations, i.e. by bank transfer to the Organizer's account will not be recognized and will be returned to the account from which they were made.
f. the payment cannot be transferred to the next edition of the Run or another event.
g. the date of payment shall be the date of payment by PayU or the date of payment of the entry fee in the Competition Office.
h. the competitor is obliged to check whether the payment transfer has been executed, i.e. whether the fee amount has been charged from the account and has not been returned by PayU. The Organizer is not responsible for the lack of payment due to reasons dependent on the Bank of the depositor/PayU. The competitor making the payment has the transaction numbers and, as the payer, has the opportunity to explain the reason for non-payment of the entry fee.
i. the entry fee is a fee for participation in the Run intended, among other things, to cover the costs of organization (e.g., securing the route, medical security, sanitary security, timing, security, medals).
11. Discounts:
a. 50% discount for holders of the Krakow Family Card - the basis for granting the discount is presentation at the Competition Office during verification of a valid participant card of the Krakow Family Card 3+ program, i.e. a card issued to members of families with many children (minimum 3 children), residing in the Municipality of Krakow,
b. 25% discount for competitors over 60 years of age - the basis for granting the discount is to show at the Competition Office during verification the date of birth in an identity document. 
c. 10% for team entries for groups of 10 or more people - the basis for granting the discount is payment of entry fees in advance in the form of a team entry as described in the Team Entry Instructions in item. V.7. 
d. individual discount described in sec. V.11(a) and (b) are not available for team sign-ups and purchase of a voucher,
e. in case of lack of appropriate documents entitling to the discount, in order to participate in the Race, the competitor is obliged to pay at the Competition Office a surcharge up to the amount of the entry fee from pt. V.10 letter a of these Regulations, applicable in the Competition Office, i.e. the difference up to the amount of PLN 200.00.
12. The following shall be exempted from the participation fee: 
a. persons with disabilities,
b. persons invited by the Organizer,
c. guides of visually impaired persons (competitors),
d. volunteers assisting in the organization of the 10th Cracovia Royal Half Marathon for at least 8 hours. 
e. Competitors listed in pt. V.12 letters a-c shall sign up through the registration form, marking the appropriate option for exemption from the entry fee. Competitors listed in para. V.12 b-c sign up by additionally entering the code provided by the Organizer into the form.  Competitors listed in pt. V.12 d (volunteers) shall sign up only in the Competition Office with the consent of the Coordinator. 13.
13. registration of persons with disabilities:
a. in the 10th Cracovia Royal Half Marathon, all persons with disabilities, regardless of the degree and type of disability, are exempt from the entry fee,
b. competitors with disabilities during verification at the Competition Office are required to present documents confirming entitlement to fee exemption,
c. in the absence of relevant documents entitling to exemption from the entry fee, in order to participate in the Run, the competitor/athlete is obliged to pay the entry fee applicable at the Competition Office, in accordance with item.  V.10 letter a of these Regulations.
14. Guides of the blind may sign up only when the blind competitor with whom they are competing provides them with the code received by e-mail from the Organizer. At the Competition Office, the blind guide is required to appear at the same time as the blind competitor with whom he/she is competing and make a statement that he/she is his/her guide. Otherwise, the fee waiver will not be recognized and in order to participate in the race, the competitor is required to pay the entry fee in force at the Competition Office.
15. The entry fee once paid shall not be refunded. 
16. Pursuant to Article 38 (1) (12) of the Act of May 30, 2014 on Consumer Rights (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2023, item 2759), participants in the Run shall not have the right to withdraw from the contract for the provision of services related to entertainment, sports or cultural events, if the contract specifies the day or period of service.
17. the Organizer allows the transfer of the entry fee to another competitor. 
a. The transfer of the entry fee can be made in the form of assignment no later than October 15, 2024. 
b. The processing fee for the transfer of the entry fee is PLN 20.00 and is non-returnable. This fee must be paid no later than October 15, 2024.
c. a competitor wishing to transfer the entry fee to another competitor shall do so on his/her profile in the registration system of the enrollment company using the option “Make assignment”, after which he/she will receive a link to pay the fee of PLN 20.00 in accordance with the provisions of item. V. 17 b. Then an individual link will be forwarded to the e-mail address corresponding to his profile, in the registration system of the enrollment company, for assignment to the new competitor,
d. the new competitor individually registers in the registration system, using the link forwarded by the resigning competitor, 
e. The organizer is not responsible for errors of competitors transferring entry fees to another competitor,
f. The organizer does not act as an intermediary in settlements between competitors,
g. if the entry fee was documented by a VAT invoice, or the application was made using a code from a voucher or group application, transferring the fee to another competitor is not possible,
h. in the case where the entry fee was covered by the discount described in Section V. 11, transfer of the fee to another competitor is not possible.
18. At the time of registration for the 10th Cracovia Royal Half Marathon on the Run website, i.e. until 15.10.2024, the competitor has the opportunity to purchase, together with the participation fee, the service of engraving the medal (placing the competitor's name and result on the medal).
19. The purchase of the service indicated in item. V. 18 will be realized by:
a. selecting in the registration form the option to purchase the medal engraving service,
b. paying the fee for the service in the amount of PLN 25.00, which will be added to the participation fee paid in accordance with the Run Regulations. 20.
20. The medal engraving service purchased as part of the application on the Run website shall be performed on the day of the Event, at a stand designated for this purpose, on the basis of the competitor's starting number presented. 
21. The Organizer informs that the purchase of the medal engraving service in the amount of PLN 25.00 will also be possible on the day of the Run, directly from the engraving service contractor.
22. In the case of transfer of the participation fee to another competitor, when the fee was purchased together with the medal engraving service, the participation fee together with the purchased service shall be transferred.
23. Receiving an invoice is possible only if the request for an invoice is indicated in the application form and the correct data to which the invoice is to be issued are indicated in it (in the case of companies: full name, registered office address and Tax Identification Number; in the case of an individual: name, surname, full address). The invoice issued to a natural person will be sent to the e-mail address of the competitor provided at registration. An invoice issued to a company/association/club will be sent to the address of the entity to which it was issued.  Sending an invoice electronically will be possible after obtaining individual consent of persons representing the company/association/club, in accordance with applicable laws.
24. It is not possible to issue an invoice to the company's data in case the paid entry fee is covered by the discount described in point V.11. The discount for holders of the Krakow Family Card is possible only for individuals not running a business for personal purposes and not for a business entity.

1. The 10th Cracovia Royal Half Marathon will have the following classifications:
a. General Women's and Men's
b. In age categories of Women and Men:
K 18-29 M 18-29
K 30-39 M 30-39
K 40-49 M 40-49
K 50-59 M 50-59
K 60-69 M 60-69
K 70-79 M 70-79
K 80 and older M80 and older
c. Fastest Pole and Fastest Polish Woman (verification on the basis of an ID card or passport).
d. Oldest Participant or Oldest Woman Participant - the oldest person, according to the year of birth given in the application form, who completed the run; verification on the basis of an ID card or other document with the date of birth.
e. General of athletes with visual impairment in Women's and Men's categories:
- Category B1 - 100% blind persons with a guide,
- Category B2 - visually impaired persons using the assistance of another person (guide) or competing alone,
f. General competitors with hearing impairment in the category of Women and Men:
- persons with hearing loss of more than 55dB,
- persons with hearing impairment.
2. General and age classification will be based on actual times (net - counted from crossing the starting line). The exception is the first 100 people crossing the finish line, which are classified on the basis of official gross times - counted from the starter's shot. If at least 10 men or 10 women do not appear among the first 100 people at the finish line, the number of people classified on the basis of gross time is increased accordingly to include them.
3. The organizer reserves the right to create additional classifications.
4. During the 10th Cracovia Royal Half Marathon will be held:
a. 8th Polish Championships of Physiotherapists in the Half Marathon - regulations are available HERE,
b. XIX Polish Teachers' Championships in the Half Marathon - regulations are available HERE,
c. Polish Championships of Foresters in the Half Marathon - regulations are available HERE,
d. I Half Marathon for the Cup of the Municipal Police Commander in Krakow - regulations are available HERE,
1. Prizes in the general classification of women and men:
1st place - PLN 13,000, in case of achieving a time below 01:01:34 for men/ 01:10:48 for women;
or PLN 12,000, in case of achieving a time below 01:02:45 for men/01:11:33 for women
or PLN 11,000 in case of achieving a time below 01:03:45 for men/01:12:04 for women
or PLN 10,000 in case of achieving a time equal to or above 01:03:45 for men/01:12:04 for women.
II place - PLN 8,000
Third place - PLN 6,000.
2. In the categories for visually impaired persons and hearing impaired persons in the overall classification of Women and Men, prizes of value will be awarded:
1st place - PLN 2,000,
II place - PLN 1,500,
III place - PLN 1,000,
3. In age categories for women and men will be given prizes in kind with a minimum value of:
I place - 700 zlotys,
II place - 500 PLN,
III place - 300 PLN,
4. In the classification of the Fastest Pole and Fastest Polish Woman - PLN 2,000,
5. In the classification of the Oldest Participant or the Oldest Woman Participant - PLN 1,000,
6. the 10th male and 10th female competitor at the finish line will receive prizes in kind with a minimum value of PLN 1,000.00.
7. the condition for receiving the prize is to complete the Run, and in addition, in the case of doping control - a negative result.
8. Competitors who receive prizes in the general classification shall not receive prizes in the age classification.
9. Cash prizes will be paid to the account provided by the competitor, up to 30 days after the Organizer receives the results of the doping control (if any) and after receiving all data necessary for the bank transfer. Monetary prizes obtained in other classifications referred to in Section VI.3 will be paid to the account provided by the competitor in the statement indicating the exact data for the transfer or, in the case of a prize in kind, transferred in the manner indicated by the Organizer.
10. In the case of cash prizes, the transfer details must be provided no later than 30 days after the announcement of the official results, to the email address: zapisy@zis.krakow.pl. After this deadline, the prize will be forfeited to the Organizer.
11. In the case of prizes in kind, the prize may be collected at the point designated by the Organizer in the finish zone of the Run or at the Organizer's office after prior contact with the Organizer, no later than 30 days from the day of the Run. After this deadline, the prize shall be forfeited to the Organizer.
12. In the event that the value of the prize exceeds the amount exempt from taxation under the provisions of the Personal Income Tax Act, income tax will be withheld from the value of the prize in accordance with applicable regulations.
13. The official results will be announced up to 14 days after the end of the Event or upon receipt of the results of the doping control, i.e. up to 20 working days after the end of the Event, if any.
14. Payment of the prize may be withheld if within 30 days prior to winning the 10th Cracovia Royal Half Marathon, information about a positive doping control in another race (sporting event) is disclosed. In the case of a judgment of disqualification of a competitor, the award goes to the competitor classified with the next best result in the category.

1. Each competitor who completes the Run within the statutory time will receive a commemorative medal.
2. Changing rooms and showers:
a. will be located in TAURON Arena Krakow. They will be open on October 20, 2024, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
3. Depository:
a. will be located in the Small Hall of TAURON Arena Krakow. It will be open on October 20, 2024, from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm,
b. The organizer does not provide bags for the depository, therefore personal belongings of the competitors will be accepted to the depository, packed into the competitors' own bags, taped in a visible place with a sticker with the number received in the starter package, 
c. issuance of bags from the depository will take place upon presentation of the starting number,
d. loss of the starting number by the competitor releases the Organizer from responsibility for the collection of the bag by another person,
e. it is prohibited to leave valuables and documents in the depository,
f. The Organizer shall not be liable for any participant's belongings left outside the designated depository and left in the depository after the end of the designated hours of operation of the depository,
g. things left in the depository must be collected on October 20, 2024, 
by 2:00 p.m. After the hours of operation of the depository, in order to collect the left items, the Organizer should be contacted.
4. Starter package:
a. each competitor will receive a starter package, consisting of:
- a sticker for deposit items,
- information/advertising materials.
b. competitors admitted to the start will receive starting numbers and safety pins,
c. starter packages not collected at the Competition Office will not be shipped or issued at a later date.
5. T-shirt:
a. starter packages do not include a T-shirt.
b. during registration, the competitors declare only their desire to purchase a T-shirt and the size of the T-shirt.
c. T-shirts will be sold at the Competition Office at the Expo during the Event by the Technical Sponsor of the 10th Cracovia Royal Half Marathon at a dedicated stand.
d. The Organizer does not act as an intermediary in the purchase of T-shirts.
6. Starting numbers:
a. during the Run, competitors must have starting numbers provided by the Organizer, pinned to the front of the starting T-shirt (or sweatshirt, jacket). The starting number must be visible throughout the Run, covering the number (in whole or in part, during any part of the Run) or its modification is prohibited under penalty of disqualification. 
b. starting numbers are assigned at the Competition Office. It is not possible to reserve a selected number in advance.
c. the starting number is a document assigned to a particular competitor. In case of loss of starting number (lost), the competitor assigned to the number is responsible for the start of the race with this number, and this is the same as the situation described in point IV. 13. of the Regulations.
d. The organizer shall not issue duplicate starting numbers in any case.
e. the competitor is obliged to check whether the starting number he/she received is the same as the number on the deposit sticker.
7. the Organizer does not provide accommodation for competitors.

Costs of organization of the 10th Cracovia Royal Half Marathon are covered by funds of Municipality of Krakow and from Sponsors and Partners of the Event.

1. The Organizer reserves the right to conduct an anti-doping control during the 10th Cracovia Royal Half Marathon and acceptance of these Regulations shall constitute a consent of the Runner to conduct an anti-doping control.
2. The Organizer reserves the right to amend these Regulations in the event of an epidemiological situation that may cause exceptional circumstances requiring the introduction of special measures and solutions resulting from legal regulations and guidelines of relevant authorities and bodies, in particular those indicated at www.gov.pl.
3. The Organizer reserves the right to cancel or change the date of the Event, as well as to amend the Regulations in case of:
a. the occurrence of force majeure events that may affect the Event,
b. epidemiological situation in the area of the Republic of Poland, which could endanger life and health of the competitors and persons participating in the organization of the Run,
c. introduction of universally binding restrictions (in particular, concerning the limits of the competitors) that would make it impossible or significantly hinder the Run.
4. Force majeure within the meaning of these Regulations shall be any unforeseeable situation or event of an exceptional nature, beyond the control of the Organizer, preventing the fulfillment of any of the obligations provided for in these Regulations, not resulting from the Organizer's error or negligence, and remaining insurmountable despite the exercise of all due diligence, in particular: natural catastrophe events of the type of flood, hurricane, windstorms of extraordinary force, tornadoes, earthquakes, unusually intense and prolonged downpours, or extraordinary and external events that could not have been prevented (such as: war, events related to a war that is taking place beyond the eastern border of the Republic of Poland, martial law restrictions, insurrection, revolution, riots, terrorist attack), epidemic threats, epidemic emergencies, epidemics and states of epidemics, as well as new legal acts or decisions of administrative authorities preventing the Organizer from fulfilling its obligations. Neither the Organizer nor the contestants shall be liable for non-performance or improper performance of the provisions of these regulations caused by force majeure.
5. The Organizer reserves the right to change non-material provisions of these Regulations.
6. If it is necessary to make material changes, the Organizer will notify the participants/users of the changes to the Regulations by e-mail. A participant/user who does not accept the introduced material changes to the Regulations should notify the Organizer within 14 days of receiving information about the change to the Regulations. Sending such a notice shall result in the removal of the participant from the Run - in such a situation the entry fee paid will be returned.
7. Written protests regarding the 10th Cracovia Royal Half Marathon and its results shall be accepted by the Main Referee of the Event until 13:30 on the day of the Run. Protests received after this deadline will not be considered. 8.
8. Complaints regarding participation and organization of the Run may be submitted in writing to the Organizer's address or by e-mail to zapisy@zis.krakow.pl not later than 7 days after the end of the Event. Complaints will be considered by the Organizer within 30 days from the date of their receipt by the Organizer or at zapisy@zis.krakow.pl.
9. The Organizer’s supervisory authority is the Mayor of the City of Cracow.
10. The Organizer reserves the right to change the date and route of the Run.
11. The Organizer reserves the right to change the date and route of the Run. 11. The application for participation in the Run expressed by sending the application in accordance with point V of the Regulations or by submitting it to the Competition Office shall be tantamount to acceptance of these Regulations and the rules of participation in the Run, including the rules of payment of entry fees and the rules of transferability of the entry fee.
12. The Organizer reserves the right to discontinue the Run in case of circumstances requiring such action on the part of the Organizer. 
13. The Organizer states that the Event is a public event, which means that the image of the Competitor may be the object of media coverage, both online on the Internet and/or social media, as well as offline on radio, television and newspapers. The Competitor may be the subject of photographic and video coverage.
14. In connection with participation in the Event, the Competitor permits the Organizer to record and distribute his or her image pursuant to Article 81(1) of the Law on Copyright and Related Rights of February 4, 1994, subject to Article 81(2) of the Law on Copyright and Related Rights. The Contestant allows free of charge, unlimited in terms of time, dissemination of the image recorded in connection with participation in the Event, in the form of photographs, video recordings, reports, for the statutory purposes of the Organizer, in particular for the purpose of documenting the course of the Event, for the purpose of promoting the Event and other events of a similar nature. Photos, video recordings and interviews from the Event may be used by the Organizer free of charge exclusively for documentation, editorial and promotional purposes on websites operated by the Organizer (cracoviamaraton.pl, biegnocny.pl, biegtrzechkopcow.pl, cracoviapolmaraton.pl, zis.krakow. pl), in social networks operated by the Organizer (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X, YouTube) and press releases of the Municipality of Krakow and portals of industry partners, i.e. maratonypolskie.pl, bieganie.pl, psb-biegi.com.pl, maratończyk.pl, as well as in the Organizer's newsletter, online and offline, in social media, in the press, in the form of magazines, newsletters, posters, posts, event reports and press releases, etc. Based on permission, the Competitor may be filmed, photographed and/or may be interviewed by the Organizer or by entities hired for this purpose.
15. In order to use the image for promotional and marketing purposes of the sponsors/partners of the Event, the Organizer shall request a separate permission from the Competitor for the dissemination of the image.
16. In connection with participation in the Event, the Competitor shall allow his/her image to be recorded by entities, acting with the consent of the Organizer, providing services of offering to participants of sporting events photographs showing images of such persons recorded during such events.
17. In the case the Competitor objects to the dissemination of the image, the provisions of XI.4.b. of the Regulations shall apply. 
18. The Organizer reserves the right to discontinue the Run in case of circumstances requiring such action on the part of the Organizer.
19. In matters not regulated by these Regulations, the applicable provisions of the law, including the provisions of the Civil Code, as well as the Act of April 21, 2017 on combating doping in sports and the World Anti-Doping Code shall apply.
20. The Regulations are available for review at the Organizer's office and on the website www.cracoviapolmaraton.pl.

XI. PERSONAL DATA - Information obligation 
1. The Organizer is the Data Controller for the implementation of the event, verification of registrations, timing, payment processing, image processing, conducting surveys, results statements, promotion, satisfaction survey and archiving of documentation related to the sports event.  
2. The Organizer has appointed a Data Protect Officer, who can be contacted at: 10 Walerego Sławka Street, 30-633 Kraków, or e-mail address: iodo@zis.krakow.pl.
3. Participants' data shall be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (GDPR) and these Regulations and shall be provided on the completed form directly from the data subject on the basis of:
a. Article 6(1)(b) GDPR - in connection with the conclusion of an agreement with the Municipality of Kraków - Sports Infrastructure Management Board of Kraków - accepting these Regulations, the following will be processed: first name, last name, address: street, house/apartment number, postal code, city, country, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth, T-shirt size, nationality, gender, ICE phone number, team name for the purpose of participant registration;
b. Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR in connection with the performance of a legal obligation related to the verification and settlement of payments under the provisions of the Value Added Tax Act of March 11, 2004;
c. Article 9(2)(b) GDPR where the processing is necessary for the fulfillment of the Administrator's obligations and the exercise of specific rights; the competitor's disability data will be processed, only for the Organizer's verification; 
d. Article 9(2)(a) GDPR (consent to process personal data - special category data) - to exclude health contraindications to participation in the Event.
e. Article 6(1)(f) GDPR in order to possibly assert rights or defend against claims related to the execution of the Event.
f. Article 6(1)(b) GDPR for the purpose of sending the ZIS Running Event Newsletter, conducted in the framework of promoting and shaping a positive model of leisure activities, promoting a healthy lifestyle conducive to the harmonious development of children and young people and increasing physical fitness - developing a love of sports and recreation resulting from the Organizer's statute. The legal basis is the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services and acceptance of the Newsletter Regulations published on https://zis.krakow.pl/informacje-prawne#regulaminy;
g. Article 6(1)(f) GDPR in order to conduct marketing activities, including conducting a satisfaction survey to improve the quality of organized sports events in connection with the legitimate interest pursued by the Organizer. The legal basis is the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services.
h. Article 6(1)(f) GDPR on the basis of the legally legitimate interest pursued by the Organizer in connection with the permission granted for the possibility of using the image captured in photographs and photo-video recordings for the purpose of marketing activities related to the promotion and shaping of a positive model of leisure, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, including media coverage, both online on the Internet and/or social media operated by the Organizer, and offline on radio, television and in the press;
i. Article 6(1)(f) GDPR on the basis of the legitimate interest pursued by the Organizer related to the processing of data of persons authorized to receive the starter package in the form of the name of the proxy, e-mail address and telephone number.
j. Article 6(1)(f) GDPR on the basis of the legitimate interest pursued by the Organizer related to the processing of data of persons who complete all editions of the Run to date, as Persistent competitors, whose data in the form of name and date of birth will be published on the official website of ZIS on the Persistent List.
4. The personal data you provide will be retained for the period necessary to fulfill the purpose specified in paragraph (3); thereafter it will be retained for:
a. for financial data up to 6 years.
b. data collected for promotional and marketing purposes in the form of photographs and photo-video recordings will be processed until the Participant raises an objection. If such objection is made, the Organizer will delete them without undue delay, but no later than within 3 working days from the date of acceptance of such request. The condition is to send an e-mail message containing the notification, together with the designation of the materials to which the removal relates, to zapisy@zis.krakow.pl from the e-mail address compatible with the profile in the application system for the Run, or in writing, to the address: Sports Infrastructure Management Board of Kraków, 10 Walerego Sławka Street, 30-633 Kraków; 
c. in the case of data collected for the purpose of archiving sports events and actions in connection with the Act of July 14, 1983 on the national archival resource and archives and the Ordinance of the Prime Minister of January 18, 2011 on the Registry Instruction, Uniform Material File Lists and the Instruction on the Organization and Scope of Operation of Company Archives. In the case of assignment of archival category “A”, the data will be retained indefinitely. 
5. You have the right to request from DPO:
a. Access to your personal data;
b. access to the data;
c. correction of data;
d. deletion of the data;
e. limit the processing of one's personal data.
f. object to the processing of your data, including image data.
6. You have the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority, which is the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection with its seat at 2 Stawki Street, 00-193 Warsaw, if in your opinion the processing of your personal data is carried out in an unlawful manner.
7. Submission by you of your personal data is voluntary, but necessary to achieve the purpose specified in paragraph 3. Failure to provide personal data necessary to achieve the purposes specified in paragraph 3 a-f will result in the inability to conclude the subject agreement with you, i.e. to participate in the Event.
8. The recipients of the personal data provided by you will be entities to which the DPO has entrusted the processing of personal data on the basis of separate processing entrustment agreements - e.g. in connection with the implementation of hosting services, e-mail, promotion, publication or archiving of documents; your data may be made available to other public administration bodies, control bodies, judicial bodies and courts, at their legitimate request (in accordance with applicable regulations).
9. The recipient and separate Administrator of data in the scope of keeping records of participants on the basis of expressed consent is Datasport Marek Zieliński, 22 Okrężna Street, 58-310 Szczawno Zdrój, NIP: 886-002-17-67, cooperating with the Organizer on the basis of a cooperation agreement in this regard. Enrollment Regulations and Privacy Policy are available on the Enrollment Portal.
10. The recipient and separate Administrator of the data in the scope of the image of the participants, for whom individual photo-video materials may be made during the Run, will be the entity providing paid services concerning the image fixation, which may cooperate with the  Organizer only on the basis of a separate agreement. The Privacy Policy and rules and regulations for providing photo-video materials will also be made available on the website of the selected entity.
11. The current information on data processing is also available here: https://zis.krakow.pl/informacje-prawne

 Updated: 11.09.2024