Starter package pickup instructions
1. personal collection of the starter package
a. To verify and pick up the starter package, present the QR code and photo ID at the Competition Office at the verification desk.
b. QR codes will be sent to athletes as a ticket to the email address provided during registration - immediately after the entry fee is credited and approximately 72h before the day of the event. 
c. Codes presented on electronic devices or printed will be recognized during verification.
d. In case a competitor has not received a QR code or has a problem with its collection/opening, at the verification desk his/her entry will be searched on the basis of personal information.
e. In order to correct the entry or surcharge/new entry, please report to the desk marked “Technical Assistance/Help desk”.
f. The starting number is assigned to the competitor at the verification desk randomly, depending on the order in which the competitor reports to the Competition Office. It is not possible to reserve/select a number in advance.
g. After the competitor is assigned a starting number at the Competition Office, he/she will receive an email notification with information about his/her starting number. In case of error, please contact the Technical Assistance/Help desk.

2. Collection of the starter package by the Proxy.
a. In order to allow an authorized person to collect the starter package, the competitor should provide in the registration form the details of the person he/she wants to authorize to collect the package.
b. Proxy data in the form can be completed until October 18, 2024. After the electronic registration closes, the completion of data is possible through “edit ticket” in the system.
c. When collecting the starter package, the proxy is required to present the QR code of the competitor for whom he/she is collecting the starter package and his/her identity document.
d. Absence of the proxy's data in the application form of the competitor for whom he/she collects the package makes it impossible to collect the starter package, even if the proxy shows the QR code of the competitor.

3. verification of persons with disabilities
a. All persons with disabilities, regardless of the degree and type of disability, are exempt from the entry fee.
b. Competitors with disabilities/proxies during verification at the Competition Office are required to present documents proving eligibility for exemption from the entry fee.
c. In the absence of appropriate documents entitling to exemption from the entry fee, the competitor/proxy shall be required to pay a surcharge to the amount of the entry fee applicable at the Competition Office.
d. Guides of the blind may sign up only when the blind competitor with whom they are competing provides them with the code received by e-mail from the Organizer. At the Competition Office, the blind guide is required to appear at the same time as the blind competitor with whom he/she is competing and make a statement that he/she is his/her guide. Otherwise, the fee discount will not be recognized and in order to participate in the race, the competitor is required to pay the entry fee in effect at the Competition Office.

4. Verification of discount due to possession of the Krakow Family Card 3+ program card.
a. The basis for granting a discount is presentation at the Competition Office during verification of the Krakow Family Card, i.e. a card issued to members of families with many children (minimum 3 children) residing in the Municipality of Krakow.
b. Competitors who are entitled to a discount due to possession of the Krakow Family Card 3+ program card are required to present a valid Krakow Family Card and an identity document at the Competition Office.
c. The discount applies only to the Krakow Family Card 3+ program (does not apply to the nationwide Large Family Card).
d. In case of lack of the relevant document during verification, the competitor is obliged to pay the difference to the amount of the entry fee applicable at the Competition Office, in accordance with the regulations of the 10th The Cracovia Royal Half Marathon.